St Peters Birstall

Life at St Peter's C of E Junior, Infant & Early Years School Life at St Peter's C of E Junior, Infant & Early Years School Life at St Peter's C of E Junior, Infant & Early Years School

The Staff Team

The Leadership Team

Headteacher Mrs L Evans
Deputy Headteacher Mrs E Warrior
Assistant Headteacher Mrs J Drake

Mrs J Drake

KS2 leader             


KS1 leader

Mrs R Whitfield


Miss R Lockwood

Literacy leader

Mrs E Warrior/Mrs G Cooney

School bursar Mr A Trotter

Class teachers

PPA                              Miss S Beaumont
PPA Mrs M Pickersgill


Nursery                        Miss S Beaumont 
Reception                        Mrs G Cooney     

Key Stage 1

Year 1                               Miss E Dalton     
Year 2                               Miss R Lockwood

Key stage 2

Year 3                                Mrs J Drake
Year 4                                Mrs R Whitfield
Year 5                                Mr J Warrior
Year 6                                Mrs E Warrior

Subject Responsibilities

Our Curriculum Lead is Mrs E Warrior who has an overall responsibility for all subjects and supports all subject leads with their subject. 

English (Y1 - 6) Mrs E Warrior

Mathematics - Mrs J Drake

Early Reading - Mrs G Cooney

Phonics - Mrs G Cooney

History - Mrs R Whitfield and Mrs E Warrior

Geography - Mr J Warrior and Mrs E Warrior

Religious Education - Miss E Dalton

PSHE - Miss R Lockwood

Modern Foreign Languages - Mrs G Cooney

Music - Miss H Conway

Art and Design - Mrs G Cooney

Design and Technology - Miss S Beaumont and Miss R Lockwood

PE - Mrs R Whitfield

Computing - Mrs E Warrior

Science - Mrs G Cooney, Miss R Lockwood and Mr J Warrior


Mrs J Hayes (Nursery Nurse)

Mrs L Wraith (Nursery Nurse)

Mrs L Wraith

Mrs E Tilley


Miss J Farnhill

Miss M Coates (Cover supervisor)

Mrs E Tilley



Miss H Conway (Cover Supervisor)

Mrs A Scott (Cover Supervisor) 

Mrs M Pickersgill (HLTA and Cover supervisor)

Mrs C Ramsden

Miss N Walker

Mrs L Wraith

Mrs E Tilley

Mrs J Byrne (Cover supervisor) 

Mrs V Mould

Ms G Crossland

Mr E Evans

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs N Groves

Office staff

Mr A Trotter (Bursar)

Mrs S Moorhouse


Mr M Hartley

Kitchen staff

Mrs T Charlesworth

Mrs Jolene Riley

Mrs Andrea Bailey

School crossing patrol

Mrs H Day